Hi, I'm Lisa

I believe that you can have a coaching business that generates significant income doing what you love.

As well as marketing I teach about mindset and how to align your business with your personal values and spiritual path.

What can I help with?

I help coaches in the following situations:

Who is it for?

I am here to support coaches, consultants and trainers who are intent on making a difference to:

My purpose is to help you create a highly profitable business that gives you the freedom and lifestyle you want.

What do you need to be successful?

Many highly successful entrepreneurs agree that around 80% of success in business is down to mindset. I believe you need both the right marketing strategy and the right mindset, but most people don’t have the specific tools and techniques for improving their mindset.

Creating the right mindset is vital in marketing, otherwise it becomes difficult to action effectively and resistance and fear may kick in which can hold us back. When your mindset is aligned with your goals, you become a beacon, naturally attracting clients who are eager to engage with you.

I already have more work booked than I earned for the whole of the previous financial year.

I opened my new financial year in October, and I already have more work booked than I earned for the whole of the previous financial year.

That feels pretty good I can tell you, and your programme has been a significant factor in achieving it.

Griff Griffiths

Why do I do this work?

I believe there is a huge transformation occurring on our planet at the moment. We can no longer continue to operate in the same old ways for so many reasons.

Only by finding a new way of being in the world are humans going to be able to experience the radical change necessary to help solve our current challenges and create a more peaceful and harmonious way of living on earth.

So, why coaching?

There are many problems and challenges we are facing that coaching can help with. Through coaching we can help raise people’s awareness and their level of consciousness.

I believe that this is a powerful way forward to solving some of the world’s problems. Continuing with the same level of consciousness that created the problems is not going to help us find the solutions.

There are big challenges we face on our planet and coaching can be a part of the solution. One of the key ways we can facilitate this transformation more widely is through coaching and the ripple out effect it can have.

The missing piece

Most coaches are highly skilled when it comes to service delivery. 

Where they falter is in marketing and client attraction.  My mission is to bridge this gap, ensuring the valuable services you offer are seen, appreciated, and sought after.

Despite the extensive training coaches have usually undergone, they often fail to meet their financial and lifestyle goals.  They all too often find themselves overworked and underpaid.

Running a business and knowing how to get clients are vital skills which usually coaches have not been taught.  Even when they do have a background in marketing, they often find that the mindset required when running their own business and ‘selling themselves’ demands a totally new approach.

My mission

I am passionate about helping coaches to align with the work they are really here to do and to find who they are really here to work with.

I love working with people who want to make a difference to get their work out in the world and make good money.

There are people out there who need your help, there are many challenges to be solved, you are here to make a difference otherwise you wouldn’t be a coach.

I like to teach marketing that is based on a win-win-win – so it’s a win for your clients, a win for you and a win for the wider society – there is an overall benefit for the whole system. This is the bigger game and there is work to be done by all of us.

Ready to join me?

If you’re ready to align with your true calling and make a significant impact, let’s embark on this journey together.