Group and One-to-One Coaching

VIP 12-month Programme

For coaches, consultants, and trainers who want more clients and to take their business to the next level.

Looking to attract the right clients and maximize your impact?

Lisa’s 12-month VIP Programme is designed just for you.

This comprehensive package offers a structured roadmap to attracting the right clients, amplifying your message, and scaling your business—all without the overwhelm.

Giving you expert advice and support both one-to-one and through group calls over twelve months.

What's included?

A Four Hour One-to-One Planning Session

By the end of the session we will have:

Step One

Identified your niche and your target market

Step Two

Created your key marketing messages

Step Three

Packaged and priced your main offer (many people get stuck on this by themselves)

Step Four

Selected the right promotional tools to generate leads

Step Five

Planned ‘word-for-word’ how you can convert enquiries into paying clients

Group Marketing Calls

Each month we will cover one of these (or similar) subjects:

Discover what to write on your Linkedin profile and how to use social media to generate business

Learn how to become a money magnet and align yourself with a higher income

How to write newsletters and blogs to get new clients. Plus keeping in the right mindset.

How to leverage your business and generate more income in less time

How to sell more with less effort

How to get into momentum with your marketing and how to create your follow up process

Group Mindset Calls

Each month we will cover one of these (or similar) subjects:

How to Overcome any Marketing Resistance

Top Mindset Techniques for Manifesting Your Vision

Understanding the ‘Inner Critic’

How to Get in the Right Mindset for Reaching Out to People

Turning Fear into an Ally

How to Have a Money Breakthrough

Small Group Mastermind Calls

This is a small group of 3-5 people, coaches find these inspiring and re-energising.

On this small group coaching call you get coaching from Lisa on anything you want as you
are implementing your marketing plan. It also gives you accountability.

There is always a lot of additional wisdom from other coaching colleagues who are supportive and generous in sharing their knowledge and experience.

The dream came true

You gave me permission to speak about my dreams without fearing ridicule – and the dream came true.

Within two-months I have won more C-Suite coaching opportunities with ten coachees in total.

Hilary McLellan

In summary, you will receive:

VIP Marketing Planning Session

A one-to-one four-hour session devoted to you and your business either by Zoom or telephone meeting.

'5 Steps to Creating a Marketing Plan for Your Coaching Business’

Online training to help you create your marketing plan. A four-part recorded video training webinar series.

Twelve Group Marketing Calls

Twelve one-hour group sessions, each focused on a specific marketing topic. Including Q&A time so you can get answers to any questions. Calls are recorded.

Twelve Group Mastermind Calls

Bring any challenges or issues you are facing and receive coaching as well as feedback and ideas from others on the call.

Twelve Group Mindset Calls

Getting into the right mindset is crucial for helping you achieve your business goals. A small shift in mindset can give you the biggest results with the greatest ease. Calls are recorded.

Access to an Online Curriculum

Access to my Online Curriculum including many ‘Done-for-You’ templates and scripts as well as ‘Transform Your Mindset’ video training.


Ready to get started?