How to Get Results with Your Marketing Programme – Step By Step
Welcome to the Programme
I am so pleased to welcome you as a client and I am looking forward to working with you. The information and resources listed on this page are designed to help you to get the most from your programme.
Please read through all the steps and follow the links to download the related documents.
Step 1. Create Your Marketing Plan
Watch the video training series in section 1 of the Online Curriculum and fill in the templates as you go. It’s called:
Section 1. Marketing Planning – How to Get More Clients to Your Coaching Business
You will need to be logged in to access this and other links on this page. Your access details have been sent to you via email, please get in touch with if you haven’t received this.
Step 2. Draw up a short list of actions from your Marketing Plan
Begin to implement your actions. Whenever you get stuck with something or are unsure of how to do it, please bring this to a Mastermind call so that we can keep you in momentum.
Step 3. Implement your actions for 15 minutes a day
Building the habit of 15 minutes regularly usually gets my clients much better results than blocking out larger chunks of time less frequently. Of course, sometimes you will do more than 15 minutes, for example when you have a meeting with a potential client, the idea is to do a minimum of 15 minutes.
Step 4. Begin to make shifts in your mindset
One of the easiest ways to get results with the least effort is to move into a new mindset that is congruent with the results you want to create.
The video training series ‘Transform Your Mindset’ has helped my clients to get amazing results. It has helped them get into action with ease. If you are not taking action for 15 minutes with ease, then this is a useful clue that your mindset is the place to look into more deeply.
Step 5. Track your results
It is important to track your actions and results. You have to know if you are getting results or not. For most people, just tracking two things will make a big difference:
1. the number of conversations with potential clients you have
2. the number of new clients you gain (you can also track the amount these clients are paying)
I can almost guarantee that the more conversations you have (No. 1), the more your business will grow. There is a Monthly Goal Tracking Sheet in section 2 of the Online Curriculum.
Step 6. Attend the Marketing and Mastermind Calls
On the mastermind calls, let me know where you get stuck, lose momentum and where you are not taking action. It is nearly always the case that when we engage in a new endeavour such as marketing or growing our business, that we will encounter resistance or find ourselves not doing something we intended to. This is totally normal!
Please bring it to a mastermind call so I can help you and free you up to get into momentum again.
Optional: Create a Vision of your Ideal Business
One of the best techniques many clients enjoy is to read your vision of your ideal business daily, usually at the start of the day.
There are some guides to help you with this in the Online Curriculum. In Section 2 there are guides and an MP3 recording and in Section 8 there’s a super short guide to Creating Your Vision Card.
You are on my Vision Board!
Please know that when you sign up to work with me, your first name goes on my vision board with a silver, shining star right next to your name!
This is how I see all of you – as shining stars in the world, shining brightly in your own unique way as you ago about your work and attract your ideal clients.