Three Ways to Generate Cash

If you want to generate some extra cash, a great way to do this is to think of one idea or project that can add a significant income stream to your business. Here are 3 ideas to help you.

Are You Undercharging?

Undercharging can be a serious problem for a small business owner. When you are deciding how to price and package your services, often it is useful to get some outside advice. I find that many people get stuck on this by themselves. What often happens is that people price themselves too low.

Creating a Successful Marketing Mindset

Creating a successful marketing mindset is equally important to having the right marketing actions in your marketing plan. For a small business, having a mind that can see things from a potential client’s point of view is invaluable.

Niche Marketing

Niche marketing can give you a huge advantage over your competition. Many of my clients want to find their niche, or specialism. Often it is one of the first things we focus on when working together.

Visualisation to Get More Clients

Using visualisation to get more clients can help you attract new clients and increase your income with astonishing speed.  I use it alongside traditional marketing methods.   I’ve found when my clients really use it, it helps their business take off in a way that just marketing alone could not match.

How To Overcome Marketing Overwhelm?

If you have too many things to do then you’ll enjoy the short article on overcoming marketing overwhelm.  I’ve kept it as short and specific as possible so you can take away whichever tip is most useful to you.