When you are developing your marketing plan keep it short and simple. You are far more likely to use it to take action and to update it if it is just one or two pages.
Do You Need a Marketing Plan?
A lot of small businesses don’t have a marketing strategy or plan, the good news is that it is very easy to create a simple, initial plan to start with. The Free Marketing Plan Template gives you a step-by-step guide to creating your own marketing strategy.
Benefits of Planning Your Marketing
The points below explain how you can benefit from having a plan:
1. Having a written plan, which contains both your marketing goals and how you intend to accomplish them, makes it much more likely that you will achieve your business goals.
2. The process of writing the plan can, in itself help, by generating further ideas and clarifying your marketing approach.
3. A written plan will help you to focus more clearly on your goals and ensure you are less likely to get distracted from your true priorities. When we are running our business day-to-day, it can be easy to get caught up in everyday activities and these are not always the ones that are going to generate us the best return on our time.
When you have a marketing strategy with your promotional actions clearly written, it can help you to focus and to use your time to best effect.
What Next?
To help you with developing a marketing plan, you can download my Free Marketing Plan template here.